Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The 1st most dangerous drug

This drug is the most addictive and hardcore drug of them all. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most effective way to get this drug into your system is to snort it through the nose and the nasal tissue will absorb the elements and get into your blood stream. Ladies and gentlemen, the 1st most dangerous drug is cocaine. Based on its popularity and its risk, cocaine is the causes of the most health issues out of all the other drugs. It is a drug that stimulates the human body and that creates the stage of addiction. It gets its name by the plant coca, the leaves of the plant creates the feeling of power and strength however it doesn't last for a long time.

Cocaine has many effect on the brain. It increases the level of neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which affects the level of pleasure. Usually dopamine sends pleasure to the body then it gets recycled, however, when someone injects the substance in their system, that prevents the dopamine of being recycled, thus creating a feeling of stimulation throughout the body. After being used over and over again, the user will start to increase the dosage to seek more pleasure from the drug. This could lead to psychological problems and over dosage.

A single cocaine dose lowers perceptions of sadness and anger
Users use a bill to snort the lines
Another way to get cocaine into the system is to dissolve it in water and inject it into the blood stream. Cocaine users can get HIV because of the use of infected needles. Some minor effects are constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increase in temperature and increase of heart rate. The people who snort cocaine can lose sense of smell, receive nose bleeds and problems with swallowing. Some serious problems are that users can go into cardiac arrests and cause heart attacks. Since 2001 there was a 41% increase in deaths from this drug. Therefore, if you want to live a good life and being able to smell things, don`t ever try cocaine!




Monday, January 25, 2016

The 2nd most dangerous drug

This drug could be taken in many ways. It can either be injected by a needle, smoked with a pipe, or even snorted. The 2nd most dangerous drug is heroin. National institute on drug abuse says that it is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine. Which means that morphine is combine with a plant called the Asian opium poppy, a black powder is extracted from the plant and mixed with the morphine thus creating heroin. Roughly about 1.6 percent or 4.2 million Americans above the age of 12 have used this drug. Therefore this drug is very popular and not hard to get a hold of.

All 3 ways of consuming this drug causes the same effects that start very rapidly. This drug affects the brain and it comes with many life threatening risks. It is very easy to get addicted and that leads to fatal overdose. When it starts to affect their brain, that is when it triggers somethings that makes them need and can`t stop. If they don't overdose, it still has all of its serious health affecting issues. For starts, HIV is very common with users of this drug, the reason for that is because people decide to use the same infected needle and pipes and that is how the disease is contracted. It can also cause breathing problems, digestive issues, liver and kidney diseases, collapsing lungs and failing heart. Keep in mind that these are the effects of heroin that is made by someone who knows what they are doing. When the drug is made on the streets by someone who is making bad heroin, the effects are amplified and there are more.  

When treating someone who is addicted to this substance, it is very difficult. They need to attend therapy and take medication. People can also develop psychological problems after being a user for a long time, thus making the road to recovery a lot more bumpy. The therapy and medication will only go so far, the user has to have the will power to stop and mentally sane enough to listen and do the right thing. However the medication that they would be taking will lower their craving and help they get back on the right track. Save yourselves the trouble and stay away from this drug. 




The 3rd most dangerous drug

Some people might argue that this drug is the most dangerous drug because of a television show called breaking bad. It is a popular drug consumed by many. If you haven't already guessed it the 3rd most dangerous drug is crystal meth. The real name for it is crystal methamphetamine. 

According to WebMD this is a man-made stimulant. In World War II crystal meth was used to give to the soldiers and keep they awake, another thing it was used for is to treat depression and to lose weight. However nowadays the only legal meth product is in a forme of a capsule to treat obesity.

This is Meth and a pipe to smoke it 

The reason why people become addicted to this substance is because there is a chemical inside this drug called dopamine. Dopamine floods the part of your brain that regulates the feeling of pleasure, therefore it makes you feel amazing. Once something smokes it, they realise that they need to have that feeling again. I suppose that, that is the only good that comes out of this drug. There are a lot of negative effects that this drug has, for example, your body temperature is hard to regulate, creates anxiety and practically destroys your physical appearance. The mouth will begin to roat, followed by the destruction of your face, pimples will arrive and your skin will start to fall apart. Another thing is that being addicted to meth makes the chances of getting HIV or Aids are way higher. When someone is under the influence of this drug they risk of peforming non protected sex. 

In conclusion this is a drug that will mentally and physically ruin your life and I highly suggest staying very far away from it, therefore with this all being said it will be ranked as the 3rd most dangerous drug!




Saturday, January 23, 2016

The 4th most dangerous drug

There is a substance that is extremely popular and consumed by 86.8% of adults above 18 years old. This substance is called alcohol. Although alcohol does not sound like a drug, by definition, it is. This is a legal substance and it is very dangerous if it is not consumed in moderation and if the person consuming it does not know their limits. 

Alcohol affects many different parts of the human body. Consuming this long-term, will affect 13 body parts and causes cancers and brain damage. As most people know, it affects the liver and mental health the most. The effects it has on the liver are that the alcohol creates fat deposits that sit inside of the liver and when drinking excessively it leads to the inflammation of the liver and causing it to fail, ultimately death. When it comes to the brain, there is a significant difference. It slows down the process of the development of the brain, as a result of long-term complications. However, if we are speaking short-term, it can lead to regretful things. 

When someone consumes too much alcohol, it can lead to blackouts and memory lapse, this is when the brain does not remember a single thing that occurred the night before. They are a recipe for disaster, they can lead to destruction, violence, unprotected sex and driving. Even when someone is not in the blackout stage, it still changes your mind. It makes people vulnerable, especially women. According to "National institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism" twenty-five percent of american women have went through a sexual assault experience, this shows that when under the influence, they are taken advantage of because they are not in the proper mindset to say no and stop the predator. There are laws to keep adolescents from consuming this substance, for example, in the United-States you must be at least 21 years old to drink it, however you can buy it almost anywhere. In Ontario Canada, the age restriction is 19, but you can only buy it from the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). With this being said, alcohol is ranked as the 4th most dangerous drug. 




Friday, January 22, 2016

The 5th most dangerous drug

Just like most drugs, this one has a lot of health issues as consequences of taking it, and often leads to death. According to Simcoe Muskoka Health, it kills 37 thousand Canadian citizens a year. This is more than, the kill death count of aids, car accidents, suicides and murders combined! The 5th most dangerous drug is tobacco. About 20% of men and 16% of women smoke cigarettes in Canada. It is the number one preventable cause of death. When smoking tobacco, the human body is taking in many harmful substances, such as, tar, mercury, lead, carbon monoxide and many other dangerous elements, point is, no good comes from tobacco. When inhaling the smoke, the tar does not only build up onto the lungs, but it destroys your mouth as well. It rots your teeth and gums to the point where they turn black and yellow. 

`Cigarettes are not a part of human behaviour, they are a habbit`

As most people know, smoking is what mostly causes lung cancer. Roughly about 85% of people who smoke will eventually get lung cancer and around half will get emphysema. Lung cancer is when a tumor appears in the cells of the lung and then it starts to spread to other parts of the body. The most common symptoms are, uncontrollable coughing, weakness, coughing blood and phlegm, shortness of breath and the worse of them all, the inability to laugh because there is too much pain. Not being able to laugh is the worst thing that could probably come out of it because laughing is awesome. Emphysema is when the air sacs in the lungs get damaged and infected, there is no cure, therefore its a chronic disease, it makes it hard for people to breathe, the lungs enlarge and become inflamed. Thus the moral of this is that if you want to live a long happy cancerless life, stay away from tobacco. 


