Monday, January 25, 2016

The 2nd most dangerous drug

This drug could be taken in many ways. It can either be injected by a needle, smoked with a pipe, or even snorted. The 2nd most dangerous drug is heroin. National institute on drug abuse says that it is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine. Which means that morphine is combine with a plant called the Asian opium poppy, a black powder is extracted from the plant and mixed with the morphine thus creating heroin. Roughly about 1.6 percent or 4.2 million Americans above the age of 12 have used this drug. Therefore this drug is very popular and not hard to get a hold of.

All 3 ways of consuming this drug causes the same effects that start very rapidly. This drug affects the brain and it comes with many life threatening risks. It is very easy to get addicted and that leads to fatal overdose. When it starts to affect their brain, that is when it triggers somethings that makes them need and can`t stop. If they don't overdose, it still has all of its serious health affecting issues. For starts, HIV is very common with users of this drug, the reason for that is because people decide to use the same infected needle and pipes and that is how the disease is contracted. It can also cause breathing problems, digestive issues, liver and kidney diseases, collapsing lungs and failing heart. Keep in mind that these are the effects of heroin that is made by someone who knows what they are doing. When the drug is made on the streets by someone who is making bad heroin, the effects are amplified and there are more.  

When treating someone who is addicted to this substance, it is very difficult. They need to attend therapy and take medication. People can also develop psychological problems after being a user for a long time, thus making the road to recovery a lot more bumpy. The therapy and medication will only go so far, the user has to have the will power to stop and mentally sane enough to listen and do the right thing. However the medication that they would be taking will lower their craving and help they get back on the right track. Save yourselves the trouble and stay away from this drug. 



  1. Now this is absolutely one the most terrifying drugs i have ever heard of. Not only can it destroy your brain and physical health but it is also very addictive. And when you mix those two things together; a lethal drug with the risk of addiction, the most possible outcome is death. Its almost sad to think that someone would want to do somthing like that to themselfs. The negatives definitely outweigh the positives (if there are any) and therefore this drug should be avoided as much as possible.

  2. wow, I did not know how much a drug could have on a human body and the after affects of what it can do to your brain and what can happen to it! I believe that drugs can ruin families and seperate them because of one person making a mistake ! never will I do this.
