Saturday, January 23, 2016

The 4th most dangerous drug

There is a substance that is extremely popular and consumed by 86.8% of adults above 18 years old. This substance is called alcohol. Although alcohol does not sound like a drug, by definition, it is. This is a legal substance and it is very dangerous if it is not consumed in moderation and if the person consuming it does not know their limits. 

Alcohol affects many different parts of the human body. Consuming this long-term, will affect 13 body parts and causes cancers and brain damage. As most people know, it affects the liver and mental health the most. The effects it has on the liver are that the alcohol creates fat deposits that sit inside of the liver and when drinking excessively it leads to the inflammation of the liver and causing it to fail, ultimately death. When it comes to the brain, there is a significant difference. It slows down the process of the development of the brain, as a result of long-term complications. However, if we are speaking short-term, it can lead to regretful things. 

When someone consumes too much alcohol, it can lead to blackouts and memory lapse, this is when the brain does not remember a single thing that occurred the night before. They are a recipe for disaster, they can lead to destruction, violence, unprotected sex and driving. Even when someone is not in the blackout stage, it still changes your mind. It makes people vulnerable, especially women. According to "National institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism" twenty-five percent of american women have went through a sexual assault experience, this shows that when under the influence, they are taken advantage of because they are not in the proper mindset to say no and stop the predator. There are laws to keep adolescents from consuming this substance, for example, in the United-States you must be at least 21 years old to drink it, however you can buy it almost anywhere. In Ontario Canada, the age restriction is 19, but you can only buy it from the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). With this being said, alcohol is ranked as the 4th most dangerous drug. 



  1. Wow nice blog! This really opened my eyes to alcohol and it's bad effects. The statistic about sexual assault is very unfortunate, drunk people make bad decisions. They even risk getting cancer, why would anyone do that?! As somebody who never drank alcohol before I'm sure happy I made that decision!

    1. Me too Chris!!! I don't think im even going to drink alcohol!

  2. This post is very informative about the consequences of drinking alcohol. I did not know that alcohol was considered to be a drug, but after reading the consequences of drinking with no moderation whatsoever, I can tell why it fits in that category. Great job on this post. Keep it up!

    1. Well if you read my bio a drug is something that has psychological effects but thank you!

  3. What a great post Hunter! I agree with what you said about alcohol being very dangerous when it is not consumed in moderation and when people do not know their limits. Alcohol definitely affects your ability to make good decisions and causes many problems like car accidents. I think a lot of people try to defend things they did when they were under the influence of alcohol by claiming it was not their fault because they were drunk. That is why it is so important to know your limits when drinking and if you do not know them, to avoid drinking altogether. I look forward to your next post! :)

  4. I must agree with you when you say that alcohol can and is considered one of the most dangerous drugs out there. Most of us simply do not realize and/or are unaware of the possible consequences while taking alcohol and even after taking it. This post really opened up my eyes on the dangers of alcohol and I can now clearly see why this drug has made it on your top 5 list.

  5. I agree with you that alcohol is dangerous because people change when they get drunk and that can hurt themselves or the people around them. There are lots of responsiblities when it comes to drinking so before drinking everyone should put those responsiblitities in consideration.I think you did a good job writting this blog :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with you that alcohol is dangerous because people change when they get drunk and that can hurt themselves or the people around them. There are lots of responsiblities when it comes to drinking so before drinking everyone should put those responsiblitities in consideration.I think you did a good job writting this blog :)

  8. Wow Hunter this is so interesting! I was aware of some of the affects alcohol has on the brain and other organs, so basically I knew all the short term affects. What I didn't know was all the intense long term affects you briefly described, thank you for informing and warning me. I really enjoy the valuable information from your blogs. Can't wait to read more!!!

  9. wow hunter so much useful information, its so sad that people will ruin their lives over alcohol so unfortunate, at this age i think its very important to know the side effects and consequences of abusing alcohol to avoid abusing alcohol at a young age or even in the future. personally i always avoid alcohol but i still think this blog was really helpful. thanks hunter!!!

  10. Omg this blog is so lit. I can not begin to comprehend how people will drink alcohol. Especially under age, never would I ever. Anyways loving the blog, keep up the good work. So excited to see what else you have in store for us. #Fans

  11. Thanks for all the information in this blog Hunter! I am never gonna drink alcohol in my life now, I don't want to risk getting sexually assaulted. Your blogs are always opening my eyes to these dangerous drugs that seem so harmless. I'm glad there are people like you online there to inform us lesser beings about the risks that come with drugs.
