According to WebMD this is a man-made stimulant. In World War II crystal meth was used to give to the soldiers and keep they awake, another thing it was used for is to treat depression and to lose weight. However nowadays the only legal meth product is in a forme of a capsule to treat obesity.
The reason why people become addicted to this substance is because there is a chemical inside this drug called dopamine. Dopamine floods the part of your brain that regulates the feeling of pleasure, therefore it makes you feel amazing. Once something smokes it, they realise that they need to have that feeling again. I suppose that, that is the only good that comes out of this drug. There are a lot of negative effects that this drug has, for example, your body temperature is hard to regulate, creates anxiety and practically destroys your physical appearance. The mouth will begin to roat, followed by the destruction of your face, pimples will arrive and your skin will start to fall apart. Another thing is that being addicted to meth makes the chances of getting HIV or Aids are way higher. When someone is under the influence of this drug they risk of peforming non protected sex.
In conclusion this is a drug that will mentally and physically ruin your life and I highly suggest staying very far away from it, therefore with this all being said it will be ranked as the 3rd most dangerous drug!
Wow what an interesting post! I would have never guessed that a drug so lethal actually had a useful purpose to it. I was also surprised to read that even to this day methamphetamine is purchasable for weight lose. But if it is to be prescribed by a doctor the doses must obviously be regulated to a very low amount of it right? At least i really hope so. Thanks to your post I will be staying very very very far away from this fowl mouth rotting, skin destroying drug.
ReplyDeleteWow I did not know that meth was a man made drug to keep soldiers awake during the war! This honestly just changed my perspective on how far people would go to get something they want. And did not know that it could be prescribed by a doctor, I think that they should stop making completely
ReplyDeleteWhoever created meth sure was smart, since it looks like it would taste really good, as if it was a candy or something. Maybe that's why so many people take it, they probably thought it was some type of candy and tried it once and got hooked on it for good.